Considered a “wonder drug” and designed to prevent excessive bleeding during surgery, Trasylol was administered to thousands of unsuspecting Australians over the course of some 35 years.
At $1,000 per dose, it netted German pharmaceutical giant, Bayer, hundreds of millions of dollars.
There was a lethal catch though; the drug can cause an increase in the rate of heart failure, an increase in the instance of kidney failure and is said to have increased the risk of stroke by 181%. These were risks not posed by the cheaper alternatives. Recent allegations (including a TV item on Sunday Night) suggest that, despite Bayer’s own studies revealing this increased risk, the drug remained on the market and Bayer allegedly suppressed the negative results. It was not until 2006 when the author of one study became a whistle-blower, revealing all to the USA Food and Drug Administration.
In 2007, the drug was pulled off the market worldwide. It was too late, however, for the hundreds of families across Australia who suffered the loss of a loved one. Thousands more must now endure a lifetime of kidney dialysis and blood thinning treatment.
If you or someone you know has been affected by Trasylol, you must act quickly. Limitation periods apply. Please contact BPC Lawyers on (02) 8280 6900 to speak to one of our medical negligence specialists and to find out whether you are entitled to compensation.
About BPC: BPC provides people with workers compensation claims, motor accident claims and public liability claims. BPC has its origins in a legal practice started by Barry Beilby in 1975.